西村 享 Susumu Nishimura
ミュージカルソー奏者Musical saw player
Born in Shizuoka in 1960, Nishimura grew up with music there. In November 2004, he met a musical saw at the concert of Mr. "Sawyer" Tanimura in Kanaya Hall. Mr. Tanimura gave him a musical saw,
for which he became enthusiastic.
He practiced 500 times a song since Mr. Tanimura told him to do so if he wants to give an impression to the audience. His musical talent bloomed due to his eager and hard practices.
Taking advantage of the tone of the musical saw, he plays a wide range of repertoire, from pop songs, children's songs to classical music. He also expands the concert activities in
accordance with the various request, and has done performance more than 130 times.
河野康弘 Yasuhiro Kono
ジャズピアニストJazz pianist
1953年、奈良県生まれ。‘74年 矢沢永吉バンドでプロデビュー。中村雅俊などの伴奏を勤めた後、ジャズピアニストとしてリチャード・デイビス(B)、マル・ウォルドロン(P)など内外のミュージシャンと共演。
2012年2月 放射能避難のため東京から京都へ移住。核の無い世界をめざして活動を続ける。
Born in Nara in 1953. His professional debut was as a member of the band of Eikichi Yazawa in 1974. After he had served as an accompanist with singers such as Masatoshi Nakamura, he played as a
jazz pianist with various musicians including Richard Davis (B), Mal Waldron (P).
With the Gulf War breaking out in 1991 as a trigger, he started the concerts for the nature conservation and world peace.
He has performed various songs regardless of its genre as well as the jazz standard, trying to make people feel the wonderful joy of music beyond generations, with his theme of "simple
narrative," "dynamic gameplay," environmental issues and peace.
He currently moved to Kyoto from Tokyo in February 2012 for radioactivity evacuation in the area, and continues performance with the aim of a nuclear-free world.